Hello Everyone,
The Tree & Wildlife Protector team set up camp on the common land at Campfield Green on Saturday 29 July, between 11:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Before our arrival, the fencing had been pushed over, presumably by upset residents and parents in response to Taylor Wimpey’s mean-spirited action on Thursday. While we do not condone this, we fully understand the frustration felt by Shoebury residents due to Taylor Wimpey’s actions that forced us to cancel the much-anticipated Protect Trees & Wildlife Picnic and their plans to destroy 41 TPO-protected trees and the embankment.
Once we set up camp, the sun shone brightly, and we received visits from numerous residents who came to express their support and concerns, punctuated with countless passing cars tooting their horns in solidarity.
During the afternoon, we shared fond memories of the trees and embankment that are now at risk due to Taylor Wimpey’s development plans, with the approval of Southend City Council. Despite Taylor Wimpey’s best efforts, we enjoyed interacting with residents, spotting wildlife, climbing trees, indulging in delicious vegan cookies, creating placards, listening to music from DJ Hoggy, and conducting a count of pollinating insects on the embankment and green space.
In the evening, we gathered for Bat Watching and spotted many Common Pipistrelles and Serotine darting around, feeding off the abundance of insects in this rich wildlife habitat. We also had the pleasure of spotting a beautiful Jersey Tiger moth (see photo gallery below). As we bid each other goodnight, several families took home free bat boxes to support the area’s GO WILD SOS bat monitoring project.
A big thanks to everyone who joined us, both locally and from across Essex. Despite the foreboding circumstances, you all made it a memorable day to celebrate our City’s threatened trees and wildlife.
Together, we remain hopeful that we can draw attention to these critical issues and work towards preserving our urban green space for future generations.
Please help us spread the word by sharing this post with your family and friends and signing up for our newsletter to stay updated.
Best wishes,
Tim and the Tree & Wildlife Protectors
Write to your local Councillors and MP Sir James Duddridge, as well as Taylor Wimpey London representatives Samuel Caslin (Planning Manager) and Rob Piggott (Land Manager), to express your concerns and thoughts. Please share your communications and their responses in the comments section below and on social media. Thanks!
Samuel Caslin: Samuel.Caslin@taylorwimpey.com
Rob Piggott: Rob.Piggott@taylorwimpey.com
Your Local Councillors: https://tinyurl.com/ysakxmre
MP Sir James Duddridge: james@jamesduddridge.com